Video from the BIG Summer BBQ 2015
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Tag Archives: ccxmas2010
Xmas 2010: another great success for Creating Cambridge
The weather mildly tried to discourage people to join us: luckily it did not succeed Despite the cold and snow a total of 109 people attended the BIG Christmas Party 2010 on Thursday 16 December, a great result for … Continue reading
Tonight is the night
This is week is probably the busiest party week for the year. Having been to Xmas 4 parties so far I feel full of excitement about tonight’s BIG Xmas Party. With over 130 guests booked in from a variety of … Continue reading
Just 10 tickets left for the BIG Christmas Party
Sales are closing tomorrow evening and just 10 tickets are left! If you don’t have your ticket yet this is really time to hurry up: book your ticket now here.
Just 28 tickets left for the BIG Xmas Party
Why do we all wait till the last minute to book things like a Christmas party? Luckily this time we have had great support from 13 networks and meet-ups in Cambridge and sales are going very well. Having sold … Continue reading
MagicSolver and The Agile Workshop Are Coming! Are you?
Just a quick update to welcome MagicSolver and The Agile Workshop, two Cambridge startups that are bringing their Xmas party to join ours. The former works in the mobile arena delivering new content formats, while the latter works on delivering … Continue reading
Cambridge Networks Interviewed On Cambridge City Radio
An essential element of Creating Cambridge it the desire to publicise and bring together the many organised networks that operate in the hi-tech, bio-tech and creative sectors in Cambridge. Mauro Ciaccio, one of the Creating Cambridge founders, recently had the … Continue reading
Camb Evening News – Think BIG and Party on This Year
Here is an extract from an article published in Cambridge Evening News, Tues 23/11/2010 Lots of companies are scrapping the office Christmas party this year, either because they can’t afford it or fear a lavish expense might look insensitive in … Continue reading
The top 5 reasons to be at the BIG Christmas Party
The Creating Cambridge BIG Christmas Party will be a unique event in its kind. For the first time in recent history, 13 Cambridge networking groups are promoting the event among their members. Click to book your ticket. Still not convinced? … Continue reading
Two More Prestigious Networks Promoting the Xmas Event
Thanks to 2 new organisations that recently joined to support the Xmas Party. Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning (CfEL) East of England Stem Cell Network Following up the previous post we now have a total 13 groups and networks promoting the … Continue reading